Monday, October 22, 2007

Music: Radiohead – In Rainbows by Mr. Piggy

So while everybody else was wondering if 50 cents would really give up music because he was short of some 100 thousand dollars worth of a bet he lost against Kanye West, some people were doing something a bit more real (yes, more real than the almighty dollar…)

Regardless of whether you’re a fan or not, you’ve got to take your hat off for the way “In Rainbows” was sold. By now you must’ve surely heard about this album (unless you live in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan).
How much did I pay for it? Well it doesn’t really matter does it? coz whether I paid nil or 200Usd for this, “In rainbows” is a massive dildo stuck in RIAA’s tiny ass (note, without Vaseline) or any recording industry that sues single mothers of three.

Now, for the album itself…

It’s raw, and reminded me a lot of “Pablo Honey”. So if you’re looking for nice keyboards and PC effects, a la “Kid A”, go look elsewhere. This is pure guitar, bass, drums and Thom Yorke’s lungs.
It’s Radiohead at its barest, and, stop me if I’m exaggerating, most honest since my favorite “the bends”.
Tracks to look out for: Nude, House of Cards and Jigsaw falling into place.

“In Rainbows” will most likely not be remembered as Radiohead’s best album, but rather as it’s most daring and certainly as one of it’s most interesting projects to date.

RIAA this…wait…you don’t need to RIAA this album! You can get it for FREE!!! So get it for free if you like: honesty, respect, utorrent, emule and the open source movement.

6/10 for the music. Not anywhere as powerful as “the bends”
10/10 for having the balls to respect their fans while giving the finger to “the man”

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