Fine it’s the 3rd installment are we ready for another episode of the great Hollywood franchise business well I say hell yeah!
I almost was thrown out of the cinema cause I was screaming yoh yoh eish yoh a lot .
I couldn’t contain myself, the guys who wrapped up this offering knew what the hell they were doing.
It was spicy ,tangy and hot, just like my vegetables.
This series is based on some book, like James Bond.
Well all I can say Matt Damon you rock!
This guy has basically owned the fictional character called Jason Bourne.
The flying kicks and the bullets, music, car chases were really excellent.
4.0 Die hard suck a duck please whilst Bourne Ultimatum takes a bow!
Lics Gained
The actor (not too sound gay ) Matt was hot and portrayed the character in a believable manner, makes you think you can do that shit! (1 lic)
The fact the movie was shot in like 5 different countries was cool, I got to like expand my horizons. (1 lic education )
I loved the fact that they kept his name short and dangerous sounding (1 lic)
Again the storyline was interesting, I like the fact that they actually gave Jason Bourne an objective, I hate those kinds of movies without a clear cut purpose. (1 lic ,for not waste my time and money)
No black guy was killed in the opening scene (just white ppl 1lic)
Lost lics
They didn’t give Matt a chic to bone.
The chic from that movie Last dance was pale and really fat!,that last movie must have stocked her fridge well, damn girl, if you would of lost some weight maybe Matt would of at least given you a shag or 2 (side kick chic was not hot -1 lic)
There is a scene in the movie when Matt is able to gain access to the CIA headquarters and get some secret documents, well I would of liked to of seen how he got in and more importantly how’d he get out? (-1 lic for trying to pull the wool over my eyes tisk tisk)
all in all this move really is smoking, the guys involved in the production all deserve a box office hit.
Hope you guys remember me on pay day!
(4 lics )